I pledge to give opportunities to qualified people with a criminal record, deserving of a second chance.
Join our partners and take the pledge
Join SHRM Chapters and State Councils Across the Country Who Have Taken the Pledge
- Aberdeen Area HR Association
- Acadiana SHRM
- Akron Area SHRM
- Alamance County Human Resources Association
- Allatoona SHRM
- Anchorage SHRM
- Association for HR Management
- Athens Area SHRM
- Austin HR Management Assn.
- Bay County SHRM
- Bayou SHRM
- Big Bend SHRM
- Big Horn Mountain Chapter
- Big Sky Chapter of SHRM
- Black Hills SHRM
- Blue Mountain HR Management Association
- Blue Ridge Human Resources Association
- Bluegrass Chapter SHRM
- Boulder Area HR Assn.
- Branson Tri-Lakes HR Association
- Brazos Valley SHRM
- Bridgerland SHRM
- Brookings Area SHRM
- Buffalo Niagara Human Resource Association
- Capital Area HR Association
- Capital Region HR Association
- Carolinas (York County) Chapter SHRM
- Catawba Valley SHRM
- Cedar Valley SHRM
- Central Arkansas HR Association
- Central Carolina SHRM
- Central Iowa SHRM
- Central Kentucky Chapter SHRM
- Central Louisiana SHRM
- Central Minnesota SHRM
- Central New Jersey
- Central NY SHRM
- Central SHRM (SD)
- Central Texas Human Resources Management Assoc.
- Central Wyoming HR Assn.
- Charlotte County HR Florida
- Charlottesville SHRM
- Coastal Bend SHRM
- Columbia Basin SHRM
- Columbus Area HR Association
- Continental Divide Chapter SHRM
- Cullman Area SHRM
- Cyclone SHRM
- Dallas HR Management Assn.
- Del Mar Va Human Resources Group
- Delco SHRM
- Deleware SHRM
- Dulles SHRM
- East Alabama SHrm
- Eastern Iowa HR Assn.
- Eastern Panhandle SHRM
- El Paso Society HRM
- Elizabeth Town SHRM
- Enid SHRM
- Evansville Area HR Association
- Fauquier/Culpeper SHRM
- Fayetteville Area SHRM
- FL Keys SHRM
- Flathead Valley SHRM
- Four Corners HR Association
- Four Rivers SHRM
- Fredericksburg Regional SHRM
- Frontier HR Association
- Ft. Worth HR SHRM (FWHR)
- Gallatin Valley HR Association
- Gateway/SHRM Chapter, Inc.
- Genesee Valley SHRM
- Golden Isles SHRM
- Great Falls SHRM
- Great Plains HR Management Association
- Great River HR Assn.
- Greater Baton Rouge SHRM
- Greater Cincinnati HR Association
- Greater Grand Forks HR Association
- Greater Henry County SHRM
- Greater Miami SHRM
- Greater Orlando SHRM
- Greater Pensacola SHRM
- Greater Rome SHRM
- Green Mountain Human Resources Association
- Greenville Chapter of SHRM
- Gulf Coast HR Association
- Hampton Roads SHRM
- Hanover Area HR Association
- Heartland of Iowa SHRM Chapter
- Helena Chapter SHRM
- Hiawatha Valley SHRM
- High Desert HR Association
- HR Assn of Central Missouri
- HR Assn. of Greater High Point
- HR Assn. of Northwest Missouri
- HR Assn. of the Midlands
- HR Assn. of the Twin Tiers
- HR Association of Broward County
- HR Association of Central Ohio
- HR Association of Eastern Maine
- HR Association of North Iowa
- HR Association of Oak Brook
- HR Association of Southern Maine (HRASM)
- HR Association of the Alleghenies (HRAA)
- HR Association of Treasure Valley
- HR Collier
- HR Houston
- HR Leadership Association of Eastern Connecticut
- HR Management Assn. Greensboro
- HR Management Assn. of Princeton
- HR Management Association of Martin County
- HR Management Association of Palm Beach County
- HR Professional Assoc. of Greater Emporia SHRM
- HR Society of Prince George’s County
- HR Tampa
- HRA of Central Oregon
- HRMA of West Central Missouri
- Human Resource Association of Central CT
- Human Resources Association Greater Concord
- Illinois Fox Valley SHRM
- Imperial Calcasieu SHRM
- Indy SHRM
- Inland Northwest SHRM
- Iowa Senior HR Assn.
- Iredell Human Resource Assn.
- Jersey Shore Association of Human Resources
- Kennebec Valley Human Resources Association
- Kosciusko Human Resource Association
- La Crosse Area SHRM
- Lake Norman Human Resources SHRM
- Lake Sumter SHRM
- Lakes Area HR Association
- Lakeshore Area HR Association
- Lancaster SHRM
- Lane County HR Association
- Lewis and Clark SHRM Chapter
- Licking County HR Management Association
- Lincoln HR Management Association
- Livingston Area HR Association
- Louisville SHRM
- Low Country Human Resources Association
- Lower Valley Chapter of SHRM
- Lubbock SHRM
- Lynchburg Regional SHRM
- Manchester Area HR Association
- Mat-Su Valley Chapter
- Michiana SHRM
- Mid-Cities HR Assn.
- Mid-Coast HR Association
- Mid-Florida SHRM
- Mid-Hudson HR Association
- Mid-Hudson Valley SHRM
- Mid-Tex HR Management Association
- Mid-Valley SHRM (formerly Mid-Willamette HRA)
- Middle Tennessee SHRM
- Mile High SHRM
- Milwaukee Metro SHMR
- Mississippi Valley HR Association
- Montgomery County SHRM
- Morris County SHRM
- Mowhawk Valley SHRM
- Mt. Baker SHRM
- Nature Coast HR Society, Inc.
- New River Valley Shrm
- New York City SHRM
- Norfolk Area HR Association
- North Alabama SHRM
- North Arkansas HR Association
- North Central MS HR Association
- North Country HR Association
- North Jersey Rockland SHRM
- North Texas SHRM
- Northeast Human Resources Assn.
- Northeast Louisiana SHRM
- Northeast Mississippi HR Assn.
- Northeast Missouri Area Chapter of SHRM
- Northeast Pennsylvania SHRM
- Northeast South Dakota SHRM
- Northern Alaska SHRM
- Northern Colorado HR Assn.
- Northern KY SHRM
- Northern Michigan SHRM
- Northern New Mexico HR Association
- Northern Virginia SHRM
- Northland HR Assn.
- Northshore SHRM
- Northwest CT HR Association
- Northwest IA / Southwest MN Area HR Association
- Northwest Indiana SHRM
- Northwest Louisiana SHRM
- Ocala HR Management Association
- Oconee Area SHRM
- Owensboro SHRM
- Palmetto SHRM
- Panhandle HR Association
- Pee Dee SHRM
- Peninsula Chapter SHRM
- Piedmont HR Management Association
- Pittsburgh Human Resources Assn.
- Portland HRMA
- Powder River Basin SHRM
- Prince William SHRM
- Puerto Rico Chapter SHRM
- Red River Valley HR Association
- Richmond SHRM
- Roanoke Valley SHRM
- Rochester HR Assn.
- Sacramento Area Human Resource Assn.
- Salina HR Management Assn.
- San Antonio HR Managmeent Association
- Sandusky County HR Management Assn
- Sarasota-Manatee Human Resources Assn.
- Savannah Area SHRM
- Seacoast Human Resources Association
- Seattle SHRM
- Sheboygan Area SHRM
- Shenandoah Valley SHRM
- Shoals Chapter – SHRM
- SHRM – Columbus Area
- SHRM – Middle Georgia
- SHRM @ Webster University
- SHRM Emerald Coast Chapter
- SHRM Guam
- SHRM Hawaii
- SHRM Jacksonville
- SHRM Northern California
- SHRM Northern Mariana Islands (NMI)
- SHRM of Greater Kansas City
- SHRM of Greater St. Louis
- SHRM of SE Missouri
- SHRM of Tompkins County
- SHRM of Tulare/Kings County
- SHRM Olympia
- SHRM Southwest Florida
- SHRM Western Connecticut
- SHRM-Montgomery
- SHRM-Philadelphia Regnl. Chap.
- Sioux Empire SHRM
- Siouxland Chapter of SHRM
- Skagit/Island Human Resources Management Assoc
- SMA of Southern New England
- SMA South Florida SHRM
- Snohomish County Human Resources Association
- Sooner HR Society SHRM
- South Central Minnesota SHRM
- South King County SHRM
- Southeast Alaska SHRM
- Southeast Idaho Chapter of SHRM
- Southeast Iowa Chapter
- Southeast Kansas
- Southeast South Dakota SHRM
- Southeast TX HR Association (SETHRA)
- Southeastern Oklahoma HR Professionals
- Southern CT SHRM
- Southern Indiana SHRM
- Southern Kentucky SHRM
- Southern MN Area HR Assn.
- Southern Nevada SHRM
- Southside Virginia SHRM
- Southwest Georgia SHRM/Albany Chapter
- Southwest Virginia SHRM
- Southwest Washington SHRM
- Southwestern Iowa Chapter of SHRM
- Space Coast HR Association
- Springfield Area HRA
- SRHM @ Quinnipiac University
- St. Lawrence Valley HR Management Association
- St. Lucie County HR Assn.
- Staffing Mgmt Assoc. of Southern New England
- Statelne SHRM
- Statesboro Area SHRM
- Sumter HR Management Association
- Sussex Warren HR Management Association
- Tennessee Valley Chapter – SHRM
- Texas Bay Area SHRM
- Treasure Coast Human Resources Association
- Tri-State Chapter SHRM
- Tri-State HR Association
- Tri-State HRMA
- Tri-State Human Resources Association
- Tri-State SHRM
- Triangle Society for HR Management
- Tulsa Area Human Resources Association
- Tuscaloosa SHRM
- Twin Cities HR Assn
- Upper Ohio Valley SHRM
- Vermont HR Association, Inc.
- Volusia / Flagler SHRM
- West Central Arkansas SHRM
- West GA SHRM
- West Sound HR Management Assn.
- Westchester HR Management Association SHRM
- Western Arkansas HR Assn.
- Western Colorado HR Assn.
- Western Kentucky HR Assn.
- Western Nebraska HR Assn.
- Western North Carolina HR Assn.
- Western Oklahoma Human Resources SHRM
- Western Reserve Chapter of SHRM
- Wichita SHRM
- WilcoHR
- Winchester Area SHRM
- Winona Area SHRM
- Winston-Salem SHRM
- Wiregrass HR Management Association
- Yakima Valley Chapter
- Yellowstone Valley Chapter SHRM